
The design task here was a highly complex one – because of the differences between the individual buildings and building dimensions, the way the exhibition centre is interlocked into its dense urban context and the need to integrate the newly built extension on the north side. The new way-finding and information system is based on a strong concept, it is functional and supports a unified visual identity, taking into account the existing CI guidelines of the trade-fair company.

Good orientation around the site is ensured by site plans, signage, zone identification and, during events, by the halls plans on which the individual stands and companies are marked. At every point and at all times around the centre, visitors and exhibitors have rapid access to event- and marketing-related information, displayed on screens and banners and printed in leaflets.

The design features of the information elements harmonise well with the surroundings. Visually and in terms of communicative function the format modules, the colours and typography of the Koelnmesse CI, the layout systems and special structural features all combine to strengthen the identity of both the location and the company.

Visual communication | Information and wayfinding system

Naming and numbering system for halls, buildings and rooms | Wayfinding concepts | Design | Typography, layout | Construction drawings | Digital information systems: Design and construction drawings for display mounts and supports | Large-scale lettering | Event- and marketing-related information | Site and hall plans, exhibition plans, plans of service facilities | All work stages

11 exhibition halls 284,000 sqm | Outdoor exhibition area 100,000 sqm | Administration building 33,000 sqm | 2 congress centres 19,500 sqm | Multi-storey car park

Design guidelines »Information and wayfinding system« Basic graphic elements | Signage schedule | Grid system | Site plans | Event-related information | Catering and retail signage | Regulatory signage | Traffic signs

Koelnmesse Service GmbH
W & P Architekten Ingenieure, KSP Engel und Zimmermann Architekten, (sic!) architekten gmbh
Koelnmesse, Karsten de Riese

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