Cultural area of the European Patent Office at its location in Munich

2023 marked the 50th anniversary of the signing of the European Patent Convention. To mark the occasion, the European Patent Office opened its listed headquarters on the Isar river to the public during the “Long Night of Munich Museums”. The main attraction was a completely redesigned cultural room in the basement, the former print shop with file storage.

It focuses on central themes of the institution such as technology, politics, creativity and culture. It also housed the new permanent multimedia exhibition we designed on technology, patents and the history of the EPO, curated by Prof. Pascal Griset (Sorbonne University). The design concept of the exhibition stages the history of the EPO in the exposed, “raw” historical architectural shell on floating elements that resemble a brightly illuminated stage. Outstanding inventors and their creations are presented as islands of light. The final point of the journey through time is the digital installation of a globe that illustrates current topics in the patent system relating to technology, ecology and sustainability as well as their significance for society. This conveys the responsibility and global orientation of the institution – a strong sign of confidence in the security and prosperity of Europe.

We also designed the corporate design of the cultural area with key visuals and the pathways. The design of the area will continue in 2024.

Kulturraum des Europäischen Patentamts am Sitz in München

Kulturraum des Europäischen Patentamts am Sitz in München

Kulturraum des Europäischen Patentamts am Sitz in München

Kulturraum des Europäischen Patentamts am Sitz in München

Kulturraum des Europäischen Patentamts am Sitz in München

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