Gasteig Arts Centre, Munich

The idea. The Gasteig is one of the most important centers of intellectual and cultural life in Munich. Shining from the inside, it is a stage for a wide range of different events and a place for education, culture and meetings. High flexibility and a stringent formal communication language contrasts with a “radiant”, atmospheric and flexible lighting concept. Illuminated glass façades emphasise the transparent elements of the architecture and make various activities visible to the outside world. The walkways are accompanied by bright areas of light. Slim “traverses” – floating freely in space – take over the visual communication, with either luminous labelling or flexible projection via monitors and LED panels. They place a strong emphasis on the powerful architecture with concrete and brickwork. At the outset, an angular traverse was realized with an exhibition on the history of the Gasteig and events’ information.

Gasteig Arts Centre, Munich
Wayfinding, advertising and lighting system | Visual communication | Exhibition design

Exhibition on the history of the Gasteig: “Around the Gasteig” | Event-information panel (analog, adaptable later for digital | Graphical representation of Munich’s cultural institutions: The Munich Philharmonic Orchestra, University of Music and Performing Arts Munich, Munich City Library, Münchner Volkshochschule | Design | Typography, layout | Construction drawings and planning | All work stages

“Angle beam” panel: Length 14 m / 7 m, height 0.9 m

Wayfinding, advertising and lighting system, 1st prize with Ulrike Brandi Licht, Hamburg
Gasteig München GmbH
Achim Bunz
Hermann Wilhelm

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